Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Last-Minute Scarecrow

Trick or Treat

If you're anything like me, you don't celebrate Halloween by getting hammered and wearing lingerie. However, you still enjoy dressing up, even if it's only to pass out candy to the neighborhood kids. If I'm being honest, I enjoy being cheap thrifty when it comes to Halloween costumes, and this is by far one of my most successful attempts. So if you haven't put together your costume ideas yet (Halloween is ONLY 10 days away mind you), then you've come to the right place.

Here's what you'll need

  1. Straw hat 
  2. Flannel shirt
  3. Craft store raffia (I got mine from Michael's)
  4. Jeans
  5. Boots
  6. Brown eyeliner
  7. Orangey lipstick (the cheaper the better)
  8. Bandanna 
I know, I know, it seems like a lot of things, but honestly, you probably have most of them in your closet! That is what makes this costume so appealing as a last-minute option. 

Perfecting your face

The most difficult part of prepping this look is the makeup.
As you can tell, my thought process was, the chunkier, the better. I had no problem committing to the drama of the look. 

Step 1: 

Use your brown eyeliner to create some chunky faux lower lashes. This gives a good whimsical feature to your eyes. 

Step 2: 

Continuing with the brown eyeliner, make some stitches coming off of each side of your mouth. This will give the illusion that your mouth has been sewn on. 

Step 3:

Get our your hideous glamorous orangey lipstick. You'll want to add two small circles to your face (one on each cheek). You can finish this stage off by adding some freckles to the cheeks with the aid of your trusty brown eyeliner. 

Step 4: 

You can do this step one of two ways:
  1. Outline a triangle shape on the tip of your nose, with your brown eyeliner, adding "stitching" for effect. Then fill in the triangle with your lipstick. 
  2. Draw a triangle on the tip of your nose with lipstick, and then trace around it with your brown eyeliner.
I prefer to do the eyeliner first so that you can get the shape that you'd like before adding the color. 

Step 5: 

Finish out your makeup by filling in your actual lips with the orangey lipstick. Voila! 

Finishing touches

After your makeup is complete, and your outfit is assembled, it's time to add the Raffia. As I mentioned above, I purchased the raffia for my outfit from Michaels. I didn't spend much on it, but it definitely completed the look!

Feel free to cram the raffia in any nook or cranny that you can find. My pockets [both on my shirt and in my jeans] worked perfectly and I even added a little in my boots!

Once you have the "straw" covered, consider adding a little ribbon or leaves to your hat. I obviously didn't have any on hand at the time, but it could really make the costume look great. 

Hair is also important! Pigtails, or braids would be adorable with this Scarecrow look. You can even add a little raffia to the mix!


Once you've put it all together, you'll be fit to keep the crows away! Feel free to share some of your other last-minute DIY costumes in the comments section. 

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